Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eric Karl Collage

Before the lesson we went through Eric Karl's book called The Very Hungry Catepillar. After reading the book we went through how Karl makes his collages. First explaining the procedure taken to make a piece of collage, and then watching a video on how they are made. This will allow students to have many different ways to understand how a collage is made. Students will then begin to create many different colored collages. They will have to keep in mind what colors they will need once they create their collage picture. They collage paintings will have to dry overnight. The following day students can create their collage picture, using their colored pictures, and ones from other students.
An extention activity I would do to go along with this story would be in science class. We would discuss the life of a caterpillar. We will discuss the steps the caterpillar takes to make a cocoon and how it turns into a butterfly.
Another extension activity that could be done is for students to write a poem. After going through the science lesson on the caterpillars go through, students will write a cinquain poem on the development of the caterpillar into a butterfly.

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