Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Elements and Principles of Art

The top picture shows the principle of movement and rhythm. The first bucket looks closer and is bigger than the rest. The buckets that follow the first slowly look further away and are smaller than the ones before it. With that it makes it look as if they are moving.

The bottom picture shows the element texture. The picture shows how the surface of the object looks rough. You can see the grooves in the picture that make it have that rough look. The object is my glasses case

Introduction Footprint

My footprint I made was of my right foot because I am right-handed. In the background you can see some rolling hills, those represent me home back in North Dakota. The apple and pencil represent teaching. The letters "WNMCDS" are the first letters of the members of my family. Next is the piano. I took lessons in elementary school and I still like to play. It helps me to relax and relieve stress. The number 7 is my lucky number and also is how many members there are in my family. The hat represents my farm and how I love to be outside working on it. The Alaska state is where I would like to teach when I get done with school. I would like to go there for a couple years, and then come back to the upper midwest. I love to play volleyball and that is why that is also on my foot. I played in high school and still play now whenever I can.
This foot is a good way to have students use their creativity in order to introduce themselves to the rest of their class. They have to come up with pictures to describe important aspects in their life instead of standing up in front of the class and talking about themselves.
For an extention activity I would have the students use feet to create a layout of a story being read in the class. For language arts, a book would be read. The students would take sections of the book and create pictures to describe what happened in that particular section of the book. After the entire story is read the feet would be put up on a wall in the classroom. Having a visual for the students too look at will help them understand the story better. Students then can retell the important aspects of the story by looking at the footprints on the wall.